What Are the Benefits of a Regular Tree Service?

Whether you’re a business or a private client, and whether you’ve used professional tree service in Monterey before or not, there are many advantages of getting regular tree services.

In our local climate, we all know how quickly trees tend to grow. Whether you’re a business or a private client, and whether you’ve used professional tree service in Monterey before or not, there are many advantages of getting regular tree services. 

Here’s why our customers choose Pacific Landscaping for their regular tree maintenance services in Monterey and beyond. 

1. It can give you healthier trees that live longer

Pruning doesn’t just look make your outside space look good; it also helps to prolong the life of your trees. The removal of weak, dead, diseased, or infested limbs is vital to prevent rot and declining health.

With unruly branches no longer draining the energy from your trees, it means the rest of the tree can flourish. It can increase flower, leaves, and fruit production as well.

professional tree trimming service monterey california

All trees are living organisms, and just like people, they can get sick too. Regular tree trimming services can help you ensure your trees remain healthy for as long as possible. 

If you’re keen to learn about keeping your landscape in tip-top condition, read this post next to find out our tips for keeping your garden trees healthy

2. It Enables Trees to Get More Sunlight Exposure

Photosynthesis is determined by the amount of sunshine that reaches the leaves of a tree. If a tree is overgrown, and this is preventing the sunlight from reaching the leaves, it can diminish this process.

photosynthesis works pruning fruit trees

Through regular tree cutting and tree maintenance services, you can ensure the tree gets enough sunlight, helping increase the amount of photosynthesis that can occur. 

Aside from helping the trees to get enough exposure to sunlight, it can also help any underlying shrubbery or plants that sit beneath the trees. 

3. It Can Help to Protect your Property

When the branches of trees start to hang over your property, there is always a risk they could break off and cause damage to your home. Particularly during storms or strong winds, these unruly branches can become loose.

Depending on the location, your tree branches could also find their way underneath the shingles, with the potential to cause a leaking roof. 

tree fallen on monterey california house

Tree trimming services at your property can also ensure there is no risk of your trees growing into powerlines, which have the potential to cause disruptions to the power supply.

Although many utility companies will handle these risks on public routes, homeowners often need to handle all nearby tree cutting services on their own private or commercial premises. 

4. It Can Help Prevent Injuries at Your Property 

Regular tree trimming services can reduce your liability by preventing injuries from falling or low-lying branches. Pruning can also lessen the overall weight of a tree, which will decrease the likelihood of the tree falling down due to a heavy load or storm damage. 

As a landlord or property owner, you are accountable for the things that take place on your property.

This means any repairs, maintenance, and the safety of your household or visitors.

Falling tree limbs can jeopardize the safety of both people and the property itself, not to mention any passing or parked vehicles.

While you’ll most likely have insurance against such events, you can take preventative measures and hire local tree cutting services to help reduce the risk of any falling limbs. 

With routine tree maintenance services, you can look forward to healthier trees and a safer environment around your property. At Pacific Landscaping, we offer affordable tree services delivered by a team of local professionals. Call us today for more information. 

5. It Can Add Value to Your Property

With a beautifully landscaped lawn and well-kept outside space, you can add value to your property.

Aside from this, if you are trying to sell your property, it can help you make a lasting first impression on those who visit your property, and it can help you stand out online when those all-important property pictures are being taken. 

trees increase property value for your home if trimmed

Outside space has always been important to people, but more than ever before, people want homes with appealing exteriors.

Trees are often one of the first things a person will notice about a property, and when they’re in good shape, they can have a real impact on your curb appeal. 

6. Early Detection of Tree Disease

tree trunk damage insect california

We’ve already spoken of the many health benefits regular tree cutting services can provide.

However, it’s important to highlight the importance of spotting and stopping and form of tree disease as early as possible.

Our tree trimming team knows exactly what signs to watch out for when it comes to tree diseases, and with early detection, you can help isolate the issue before it has the potential to spread to any other trees. 

7.  It’s Cost Effective – Saving you Money in the Long-Term

Preventative maintenance is an affordable, predictable cost. When you consider all of the above factors, leaving your trees to overgrow, cause damage, become unhealthy, and with the potential to spread disease, they can all be very costly to manage should they occur.

When compared to the cost of a local tree cutting service, this presents a far more cost-effective option. It minimizes the risk of any of the above happening and can prevent you from having to spend-out on a costly reparative service.

8. More Productive Plants and Trees

By reducing the number of branches that your trees have, this can lead to an increase in the volume of nutrients that a tree is able to take from the soil. If you have fruit trees, this can lead to the production of tastier, bigger fruits.

When the limbs of a tree sustain damage or become crowded, it prevents them from growing effectively. It can result in what can only be described as underwhelming blooms during the springtime, even when a tree or plant is otherwise healthy. 

Hiring a tree trimming service and getting regularly pruning can help you to trigger growth in the right conditions. From blooms to leaves and with fruit, you will reap the rewards for your efforts.

tree trimming service monterey california

Another key consideration you need to make is the time of year and the frequency of the pruning; different trees should be trimmed at different times of year.

The best way to find out the individual needs of your landscape is to speak with a local tree services team nearby.

At Pacific Landscaping, we have a comprehensive understanding of the local trees, but they’ll also be able to provide you with affordable, regular tree pruning services at the right times for your landscape. 

9. It Can Prevent Pests on Your Trees

Overgrown trees can be particularly susceptible to insects and pests.

tree stump insect california

Because unruly trees are good at hiding disease and damage and the fact that insects thrive on decaying or dying trees, the likelihood of having to deal with this issue is increased without regular tree maintenance and trimming services.  

If you have healthy trees, tree pruning can help to prevent the onset of any disease and help you keep your trees free from any pests that may otherwise take up their residence in your trees.

Tree trimming will help to get rid of any dying or deadened parts of a tree.

Does regular tree service save money in the long run?


As we’ve already mentioned, the cost of having to deal with damage to people, property, and other trees in your landscape far outweigh the cost of hiring a local tree trimming service.

An added advantage to hiring a tree trimming service is the cost is affordable and predictable, unlike the alternative option of waiting for a sporadic event to occur at an unknown time and with an unknown cost to resolve. 

Book your Next Tree Cutting Appointment Today

Tree cutting services in Monterey by Pacific Landscaping are affordable, professional, and easy to arrange.

As a professional tree services business, we can help evaluate your needs effectively and provide you with the very best tree services delivered by local experts. 

Call us or complete the form below to learn more.

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